On This Page


What is the Header?

Your header is comprised of several differing components. Here you can find and edit:

  • Store Logo
  • Social media links
  • Main menu
  • Checkout
  • Wishlist

The following sections will explain and show you how to edit your website's Header

Finding and Editing the Header

In order to find the customization screen for your store's webpage, and in order to adjust your header, please follow these steps:

  1. From your myShopify homepage, go to Online Store > Themes
  2. Find and click Customize
  3. You will see the customization menu on the left of your screen. Click Header

Theme Logo Image

Adding or changing your theme logo is very simple. In order to add your image, click Select Image and choose or upload your logo. Please note that beneath this section, there is the suggested image size. If you add an image that is improperly sized, its quality will suffer. 

If you notice that the quality is still less than ideal after adjusting the image size, you can play with the width of the image by inputting a numerical value into the box titled Max Logo Width. Please note that this cannot expand beyond the suggested width.

Across the top of the page, you will notice a single-colored bar. This bar is where you can share your store's Social Media links. You can also find links directing customers to their personalized Wishlist and Cart.

If you wish to have these links visible, you can turn them on or off by clicking Show Social Icons, Show Checkout, or Show Wishlist.

If you have not added your social media accounts to the website, you can link them by scrolling to the bottom of the customization menu and clicking Theme Settings. Following this, you will see text boxes for Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, YouTube, Vimeo, and Discord. Once you have input your links into the text boxes, their respective symbol will appear at the top of your homepage. If you do not add any text to a textbox, that social media symbol will not be visible.

If you have not already created a page and enabled your wishlist, then turning it on here will only show your customers a 404 Error Page.

The last section under Header is titled Navigation and deals with adjusting your menus. For information on how to add and edit menus, please see Navigating with Menus and Adding Drop-Down Menus.