On This Page


About Your Wishlist

Your Wishlist is an incredibly useful tool for helping your customers find and save items that they are interesting in purchasing, whether at that time or in the future. Enabling your wishlist from Customize the Header is the first step to showing it on your store's page. Before you can do this, however, you need to create and enable a page for your store's wishlist option. If you skip this step, your wishlist will open with a 404 Error Page.

Creating and Opening your Wishlist Page

Finding Your Store's Pages

In order to successfully enable your store's wishlist, please follow these steps:

  1. From your myShopify homepage, go to Online Store > Pages
  2. Find and click Add Page
  3. On this page, you will need to edit the Title and Online Store sections. Label the Title as Wishlist. If it is not titled Wishlist, it will not properly operate.
  4. Select Wishlist from the drop-down menu under Online Store > Theme template
  5. Click Save

If you've gone through each of these steps successfully, your customers should be able to add items to their wishlist and successfully view it without a 404 Error Page.