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Exporting Search

Exporting Search is a useful tool for downloading filtered product searches for quick customizations and for record keeping. These downloaded and customized CSV files can then be re-uploaded to your store's Portal for convenient bulk product updating. Check out this page for more information on re-uploading, or importing, these exported CSV files back into BinderPOS. This article will focus specifically on finding and downloading these exported search files.

How to Export Filtered Product Searches

In order to export filtered product searches, follow these steps:

  1. From the BinderPOS Portal, find and select the Products tab
  2. From the Products tab, input information specific to the product being searched for: Game, Product Type, Vendor, Title, Variant, Tags, Barcode, and SKU
    1. Further clarifying information can be provided in the following:
      1. Price greater than
      2. Price less than
      3. Quantity greater than
      4. Quantity less than
      5. Variant greater than
      6. Variant less than
      7. Rarities
      8. Sets
      9. Card Types
      10. Colors
      11. Price override types
      12. or any applicable Custom filters
  3. Once all applicable search criteria have been input, select Apply Filters
  4. From here, card information can be easily found, as seen below:
  5. After finding the products being searched for, find and click the Export Search button at the top of the page
  6. After selecting Export Search, a pop-up will prompt a choice between Set Stock Format and Add Stock Format. Select the type of CSV that best fits your store's needs
    1. Set Stock Format allows for completely rewriting the stock of whatever product is being viewed and edited, while Add Stock Format is useful for adjusting the stock of the product being viewed and edited. 
      1. For example, if an adjusted CSV is being uploaded for bulk updating product stock, the changes made in the Set Stock Format CSV will overwrite the stock of the product with whatever numerical value is entered into the CSV; adjustments made in the Add Stock Format CSV, however, whether positive or negative, will be added/subtracted to the stock of the product according to the numerical value given in the re-uploaded CSV
      2. Notice below how the product with 0 In Stock has a value of 2 Set Stock. This means that when this updated CSV is imported back into BinderPOS, the stock of this specific product will be totally overwritten and adjust to 2

  7. Following this, an email will be sent to the email address registered to your store's BinderPOS account with the chosen CSV