On This Page
Toggles and Uses
The Binder POS Portal front page features several different toggles or switches that allow for searching or customization. These toggles are:
- Predictive Search
- Buy/Sell
- Excluding Singles Search
How to Enable and Disable Predictive Search
Predictive search is a convenient feature that allows for the search function to attempt to complete the name of the product being searched for. If the suggested products are not the products being searched, continue to type until the desired product is found. Some sellers may find this distracting or less than useful. this section will focus on both enabling and disabling this feature.
Enabling Predictive Search
The default for Predictive Search is disabled. In order to enable Predictive Search, follow these steps:
- From the BinderPOS Portal page, select the Point of Sale tab
- From the Point of Sale tab, find the search bar and select the Predictive toggle. When enabled, the toggle will be green
Disabling Predictive Search
While the default for Predictive Search is disabled, it is possible that your store has already enabled Predictive Search and would like to disable it for any specific reason. In order to disable Predictive Search, follow these steps:
- From the BinderPOS Portal page, select the Point of Sale tab
- From the Point of Sale tab, find the search bar and select the Predictive toggle. When disabled, the toggle will be grey
How to Toggle between Buy and Sell
BinderPOS allows for both Selling and Purchasing products. If a customer is seeking to sell your store a product that you are interested in purchasing, switching between the default sell and buy is simple. In order to toggle between buy and sell, follow these steps:
- From the BinderPOS Portal page, select the Point of Sale tab
- From the Point of Sale tab, find and select the toggle labeled either Sell or Buy. Sell is the default setting and will be green/blue, while Buy will be displayed in yellow/orange.
How to Exclude Singles in Search
Many stores that buy and sell TCG singles will find that a large portion of their products and inventory consist of individual TCG singles; when searching through product in the BinderPOS Portal, this can dominate the search bar and make it more difficult to find specific non-singles products.Using the Excluding Singles feature can help make searching for non-singles products easier. In order to exclude singles from a product search, follow these steps:
- From the BinderPOS Portal page, select the Point of Sale tab
- From the Point of Sale tab, find and select All Products to switch from an all products search to an excluding singles search
- Please note that the text being displayed indicates the feature being used. For example, when All Products is visible, then the search will include all products and when Excluding Singles is displayed, the search will exclude singles from the results