On This Page


Getting Started

After a customer has purchased or ordered a product from one of your Active Sales Channels, these products will appear and be customized in your store's Orders Page. This page will focus specifically on processing these orders after a customer has purchased a product and updating the orders through the entire purchasing process. For more information on ordering and related actions, check out more at Shopify's Orders.

Concerning orders, this page will focus mostly on How to Manage Orders.

Managing Orders

When concerning the management of orders, there are many facets. This page will focus on:

  • Viewing Orders
  • Viewing Order Timelines
  • Checking Order Currency
  • Adding Tags or Notes, or Editing Orders
  • Contacting Customers about Orders
  • Re-sending Emails to Customers about Orders
  • Viewing Order Status Pages

Viewing Orders

In order to view your store's orders, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. From the Orders page, select the order being viewed

Immediately to the right of the Orders tab, you may notice a number. This number represents the total number of open orders:

Viewing Order Timelines

With an order's timeline, your store will have the ability to view a detailed history of the order. In the timeline, one will find:

  • Notes concerning the order
  • Links for communication with staff
  • Areas for attaching files
  • Links to other products, orders, or customers

Any notes or comments are totally internal and not visible to the customer(s)

In order to locate an order timeline, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. From the Orders page, find and select the order whose timeline will be viewed
  3. On the order page, scroll down to and view the Timeline section

Payment events, such as complete purchases or cancellations, will also appear in the order's timeline section. This is a handy section when reviewing failed payments or refunds/returns. If a checkout wasn't completed, check the abandoned checkout history to find payment events

Checking Order Currency

If your store(s) is selling products across multiple currencies (or countries), it is important to note that any orders will be displayed in the store's currency from the order admin. There is, however, the option to view the order in the currency chosen by the customer. In order to do so, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. Find and open the order that will be viewed
  3. From the Payment section, select View Order in Customer's Currency

Adding Tags or Notes, or Editing Orders

When order information changes, your store will have the ability to make varying adjustments. These include:

  • Editing Customer Information
  • Adding or Removing Order Notes or Tags

Editing Customer Information

In order to begin editing customer information in an order, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. Find and open the order that will be edited
  3. In the Customer section, select the ellipses ( ... )
  4. From this menu, make any necessary changes
  5. Select Save or Apply Changes

Some details, such as billing address; line items; or order total, are not capable of being edited

Adding or Removing Order Notes or Tags

Adding Notes Internally

In the Timeline section, notes, comments, and special instructions can be added internally, that is, in a way that is only visible for other workers. Customer will not be able to see these additions.

Attaching Order Tags

Through the use of tags, orders can be further organized beyond fulfillment status. Remember that orders can be filtered by tags and saved to an order view for further, quicker use later on. Refer to Save Changes to Current View and Create a New View. In order to begin attaching order tags, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. From the Orders page, enter tags being searched for in the Filter Orders search bar
  3. Remember: Order tags are limited to 40 characters between spaces and characters
  4. If selecting from previously used tags, click View All Tags. Select tags being added, then click Apply Changes to apply them to the order
  5. Click Save

Contacting Customers about Orders

Because Shopify stores all customer contact information, it is recommended that your stores encourage and maintain correct customer contact information for ease of communication. In order to go about quickly and easily contacting customers, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. From the Orders page, select the order with the customer being contacted
  3. On the order page, find the Contact section and select the email address
    • Optional: Use a given phone number to call them, if necessary
  4. In the Contact Customer dialog, enter the message being sent
    • Optional: consider sending a copy of the email to an individual or store email address for store records
  5. Select Review Email
  6. To send the email, select Send Notification. To review email or make any changes, select Back to make them.

Re-sending Order Emails to Customers

If there is an issue with receiving emails or if reminders need to be given, stores have the opportunity to resend order-pertinent emails. In order to easily do this, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. From the Orders page, select the order needed
  3. On the order information page, find the Timeline section and select Resend Email
  4. In the Resend Order Confirmation? dialog, select Send

Viewing Order Status Pages

After completing a checkout, customers will be directed to the order status page. This page is the final step in the order finalization process. From this page, customers will be able to track their order through corollary notifications and reach out to the store, if needed. In order to view an order's status page, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. From the Orders page, search for and select the order being viewed
  3. At the top of the order information page, open the More Actions drop-down menu and select View Order Status Page
  4. From here, you can view and check over the order information as the customer sees it

Additional Information

For more information on Managing Your Orders, check out Shopify's article: Managing Your Orders