On This Page


Getting Started

After a customer has purchased or ordered a product from one of your Active Sales Channels, these products will appear and be customized in your store's Orders Page. This page will focus specifically on processing these orders after a customer has purchased a product and updating the orders through the entire purchasing process. For more information on ordering and related actions, check out more at Shopify's Orders.

Once an order has been placed, you can, by default, find this information in your store's Orders Page. From here, you have the freedom to search through these orders by way of filters and other search criteria. This page will focus on exploring and explaining how to use these tools and options when reviewing orders.

Concerning orders, this page will focus on three main aspects: Viewing, Searching, and Printing. For more information, check out Shopify's Searching, Viewing, and Printing Orders.

Viewing Orders

One quick and effective means for finding order information quickly is hovering your cursor over parts of the order. When doing this a pop-up will show specific information details in that order. 

Pop-ups are specifically available for the following:

  • Customer
  • Items
  • Tags

Order Views

Order Views are filtering tabs that automatically sort orders in your Orders Page based on their specific statuses. These views are displayed as tabs across the top of your store's Orders Page and can be further filtered and reviewed using the following criteria:

  • Saved Filters
  • Column Choices
  • Column Order
  • Sort Order

The following Order Views are the default views you will see across the top of your store's Orders Page:

  • All
  • Unfulfilled
  • Unpaid
  • Closed
  • Open
  • Local Delivery (possible only if Locations is enabled for your store)

When searching through any of the Order Views, except for All, you will have the option to save and pin specific search criteria to that tab or create an entirely new tab for quick order views. Below you will find images detailing this process.

Because this example store does not have Locations enabled, there is not an option for Local Delivery.

After selecting a specific Order View, such as Closed, you will notice a section below the tab where all the saved filters are resting. These filters can be saved or added as needed. Below, the filter Archived is saved.

If interested in creating a new, specified Order View, you can find that here:

While you cannot edit the All tab in your Order Views tabs, it is possible for you to copy and create a new tab under the same conditions as the All tab.

Saving Changes to the Current View Order

You will notice that any of the Order Views are editable except the All tab. In order to edit these tabs, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. From your store's Order page, adjust the filter, sort, or column views. It will look like this:
  3. Click Save

Creating a New View Order

If you find that saving changes to a current view order is not detailed or specific enough, you have the option to create a totally new Order View in order to create a fully customized tabs. In order to create and add new tabs, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. Click the ... menu and select:
    • Create a new order view with the current view by clicking Save As
    • Create a new order view based on the All tab by clicking Create View
  3. Add in the view name and click either Save View or Create View

Deleting an Order View

While you are unable to delete the All view, you are capable of deleting any of the other tabs that may not be being used. If you delete a default view, but decide later that you wish to have it again, you can simply recreate this view. In order to delete any unwanted Order Views, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. Select the Order Views tab being deleted
  3. Select the ... menu > Delete View
  4. Click Delete View again for confirmation

Searching and Filtering Orders

As was mentioned above, Order Views can be customized in order to perform specific actions, whether individual or bulk, on filtered products. Using order filters, you can:

  • Filter Orders
  • Filter with Custom Terms
  • Filter by Location
  • Show, Hide, or Reorder Columns
  • Use Bulk Actions with Filters

Filtering Orders

Filters determine which orders are displayed in a specific order view. All, for example, doesn't use any filters. Fulfilled uses the fulfillment criteria to filter orders. You can also use multiple filters to stack and further limit filtered results. The following filters are available for use:

  • Delivery Method: local delivery, local pickup, ship to customer
  • Status: open, archived, canceled
  • Payment Status: authorized, paid, partially paid, partially refunded, pending, refunded, unpaid, void
  • Fulfillment Status: fulfilled, unfulfilled, partially fulfilled, scheduled, on hold
  • Return Status: return in progress, returned
  • Tagged With: filter by a custom order tag
  • App: filter by activated sales channel
  • Chargeback and Inquiry Status: open, submitted, won, lost, any
  • Risk Level: high, medium, low
  • Date: in the last week, month, three months, year, or custom
  • Credit Card: last four digits of credit card number

In order to select filters, follow these steps:

  1. From your MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. On the Orders page and from any orders view, select Filters
  3. Click Select Filter and choose the needed filter
  4. Click Select Value and select or enter a value
  5. To add another filter, click Add Filter
  6. From here, you can:
    • Save Changes to View in order to add this filter to the order view being currently used
    • Save Changes as a New View in order to create a new order view with new filters

Filtering with Custom Terms

If you are seeking to filter through orders using a value that is not already recognized or in use by the system, you can filter with this specific value through the search bar. Some example of custom terms are:

  • Customer name
  • Product name
  • SKU
  • Order country
  • Order number

If the custom value that you are using is one that you foresee continued use with, you can save this customer term for the future. This can only be done through the Shopify Admin account on a desktop PC

In order to filter through orders with a custom term, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, go to Orders
  2. From the Orders page and in the Filter Orders search bar, input custom term as name:value.
  3. From here, you can:
    • Save Changes to View in order to add this filter to the order view being currently used
    • Save Changes as a New View in order to create a new order view with new filters

When inputting the name:value for the customer terms, make sure that a single quotation mark (") in input at the beginning of the value section so that Shopify can understand the input value. For more help with inputting custom terms and language check out Supported Filter Parameters and Search Syntax

Filtering by Location

If your store has multiple locations, you can filter order by purchase location. When switching between stores, this filter will automatically update, so location is normally set separately from filtering parameters. In order to filter by location, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, go to Orders
  2. From the Orders page, click the location selector on the top right of the page
  3. Select the appropriate location

Showing, Hiding, or Reordering Columns

In order to optimize each of your order views, you can show, hide, and reorder columns. The only column that cannot be reordered is the Order column, which will always be shown first.

Changes made to order views can only be saved when made by the Shopify Admin on a desktop PC

In order to begin optimizing your order views, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. From the Orders page, select Columns
  3. Select columns to show them or deselect to hide them
  4. In the Columns List select the item handle ( ) and drag them into the order that you want them to appear. The further up in the list order, the more to the left the columns will appear
  5. From here, you can:
    • Save Changes to View in order to add this filter to the order view being currently used
    • Save Changes as a New View in order to create a new order view with new filters

Using Bulk Actions with Filters

From any order view, some or all orders can be selected and have bulk actions performed on them. After performing these bulk actions, no saves need to be made; however, saving changes may allow for quicker working when using bulk actions. 

As an example: if wanting to quickly capture funds for all orders that are pending payments, bulk actions can be used in order to avoid manually opening and recording information from each order

Bulk actions can only be saved when made by the Shopify Admin on a desktop PC

In order to begin using and applying bulk actions, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. Select an order view
  3. Select the items you want to edit
  4. Click an action or More Actions and then choose the desired action(s)
  5. If prompted, confirm choices

Printing Orders

When wanting to print a copy of the order, whether for a store's own records or as a receipt for the customer, Shopify allows for it. In order to begin printing order information, follow these steps:

  1. From your store's MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. From the Orders page, select the order that will be printed
  3. From the order page, select More Actions at the top
  4. Select Print Order Page

Additional Information

For more information and details, check out Shopify's Searching, Viewing, and Printing Orders