On This Page


Getting Started

After a customer has purchased or ordered a product from one of your Active Sales Channels, these products will appear and be customized in your store's Orders Page. This page will focus specifically on processing these orders after a customer has purchased a product and updating the orders through the entire purchasing process. For more information on ordering and related actions, check out more at Shopify's Orders.

Concerning orders, this page will focus on explaining and detailing two specific aspects: Processing Orders and Updating Orders.

Processing Orders

When customers buy any product from your store or any of your store's online channels, it will appear in your Shopify Orders Page as a new order. There are four different factors to consider when processing orders. These are:

  • Receiving Online Orders
  • Processing Shopify POS Orders
  • Processing Flow for Online Orders
  • Automating Order Processing

Receiving Online Orders

When receiving orders, the following things will happen:

  1. Your store's email will receive an order notification
  2. The Orders Page in Shopify will update to display the newest order
  3. The customer will receive an order confirmation by email
  4. Order processing will begin

Abandoned Checkouts are incomplete orders that are created due to the customer reaching their order checkout page, without completing the ordering process

Processing Shopify POS Orders

If using Shopify POS, to some degree or another, for your in-store sales, it is important to remember the following:

  • The Orders Page shows orders with a payment status of Paid or Partially Paid
  • If they have provided their email address, customers will receive receipts through this medium

Processing Flow for Online Orders

For every order made, there are three steps requiring three specific actions through Shopify. You can set these up automatically, as we will lay at the end of this article, or you can perform these actions manually. The below chart will display the steps and corresponding required actions, with each action step holding a link for further explanation:

#Order StepRequired Action
1.Order is PlacedCapture Payment
2.Order is PaidFulfill Order
3.Order is both Fulfilled and PaidArchive Order

When it comes to automating this process, you can choose to automate the entire process or only part of the process. This is wholly customizable so as to best fit the needs of your store

Automating Order Processing

If selling digital products or using separate fulfilling services for your store's products, you may want to consider automating all or some of the following processing actions:

Updating Orders

Updating orders allows for notes to be added to customer orders for better servicing.

You can update orders in the following ways:

  • Adding Notes to an Order
  • Adding, Deleting, or Changing the Customer on an Order

Adding Notes to an Order

Notes will appear on an Order's detail screen and are beneficial for the following reasons:

  • Notification that the order has been refunded or cancelled
  • Notification of a partial or total exchange
  • Notification of additional customer requirements

To add notes to an already completed order, follow these steps:

  1. From your MyShopify home page, select Orders
  2. From the Orders page, select the order being edited
  3. Find the Notes section and select Edit
  4. From here, you can add the needed notes
  5. Click Save

Adding, Deleting, or Changing the Order Customer

In order to change the order's customer, you need to delete the current customer first. You are further able to edit a customer's specific information by clicking their name. In order to edit an order's customer, follow these steps:

  1. From your MyShopify page, select Orders
  2. From the Orders page, select the order being edited
  3. Find the Customers section and adjust the customers by doing any of the following
    • Add a Customer - input and add the name of the customer in the customer search bar or add a new customer to your system by selecting Add New Customer
    • Delete a Customer - select the ellipses menu ( ... ) next to the current customer's name and select Delete Customer
    • Edit a Customer - find and select the current customer's name and edit their details as needed
  4. Select Save