On This Page


Getting Started

The Newsletter block is a convenient tool for helping your customers stay connected to and in the loop with your store's updates and news. By staying up-to-date with your store's newsletter, your customers can quickly receive emails and be informed of any of the following:

  • Sales
  • Changing hours
  • Events
  • General notifications

Customizing the Newsletter Block

Finding the Newsletter Block

In order to find and customize your webpage's Newsletter, please follow these steps:

  1. From your myShopify homepage, go to Online Store > Themes
  2. Find and click Customize
  3. You will see the customization menu on the left of your screen. Click Newsletter

Editing the Newsletter Block

Once you have opened the customization options for your Newsletter block, you will see two broad categories: Color and Settings.


Under the Color section, you'll find only one category for customization: Text Color.

Text Color

This section allows for the customization of the color of the text in your Newsletter block.

When customizing a section of your webpage and given the option to choose a color, you will have the opportunity to drag the cursor over general colors or input a HEX code for specific shades. We recommend playing around with this feature to come up with what works best for your store


Under the Settings section, you'll find several categories for customization. These are:

  • Background Image
  • Section Title
  • Section Subtitle
  • Text Area
  • Button Subtitle
  • Button Text
  • Privacy Text

Background Image

This section allows for an image to be set as the background for the Newsletter block. In order to add a new image to this block, click Select Image. From here you can upload or select the image your store wishes to display.  

After you have chosen your image, you will notice another customization option become available: Add alt text.

Adding alt text is a good way for your to include addition descriptions that will appear just beneath your icon. You can add up to 255 characters to this alt text feature

Section Title

This section includes a text box allowing for the naming of the entire block. The title input into this text will appear at the very top of your Newsletter block.

Section Subtitle

This section includes a text box allowing for the input of a subtitle message that will appear just below your block's Section Title. Please note that, even though this is considered a subtitle, the text will appear larger than the abovementioned title.

Text Area

This section includes a larger, fully customizable text box allowing for an entire message to be input. This message can be a short description or explanation of your Newsletter block. It will appear below the abovementioned Section Subtitle.

Button Subtitle

While this section is labeled as a subtitle, it is better described as the text visible within the on-site text/search bar to the left of the Button (where your customers will input their email addresses). This section includes a text box allowing for customizable input. We recommend playing around with these features to find an input that best fits your store.

Button Text

This section includes a text box allowing for the customization of the message that will appear on your block's content Button.

Privacy Text

This section includes a text box allowing for the customization of the pop-up message displayed when customers submit their email addresses for newsletter subscription.