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Getting Started
Saving a cart for later (or loading an already saved cart) is an extremely useful and simply utilized tool present in your POS. This short article will quickly walk you through how to save and/or load carts.
Saving a Cart
Before you can load a cart, you will need to have one saved previously. In order to save a cart that you have already added items and, potentially, a customer account to, follow these steps:
- From your store's BinderPOS Till, add the products intended for purchase to the customer's cart
- Find the green bar across the top sporting several icons and select Save (see picture below)
- Your cart has been saved and can be loaded later at any point
Green Icon Bar:
Save Icon:
Loading a Cart
After your cart has been saved, and as the customer is ready to continue adding items to their cart or are prepared to purchase their cart, you can resume the sale by loading their previously saved cart. In order to load a previously saved cart, please follow these steps:
- From your store's BinderPOS Till, find the green bar across the top sporting several icons and select Load (see picture below)
- A popup will appear with a list of all of your previously saved carts. From here, find the one you wish to load and select the cloud icon (see below)
- The customer's cart has been loaded and the sale can be completed
Green Icon Bar:
Load Icon:

Cloud Icon: