On This Page
About the FAQs Section
Frequently Asked Questions, or FAQs, are a powerful tool for preemptively problem solving with and aiding your customers. This section can be dedicated to questions that your store believes will be helpful or can be a space to publish real questions asked by real customers. The purpose here is solely to simplify your customer's experience with your store's website. If FAQs are well presented, problems can be resolved with minimal effort from your shop's staff.
Organizing the FAQs Section
Finding and Editing the FAQs Section
In order to find the customization screen for your store's webpage, and in order to organize your FAQs, please follow these steps:
- From your myShopify homepage, go to Online Store > Themes
- Find and click Customize
- You will see the customization menu on the left of your screen. Click on the drop-down arrow to the left of FAQs Section
- If you do not see FAQs Section, scroll to the bottom of the customization menu and select Add section
- From here, find and select FAQs Section to add the section to your page
Adding FAQs Blocks
Before you begin to customize the section as a whole, you will need to begin adding the FAQs that you wish to display. To add them, please click FAQs Section > Add FAQs Block. At this point, the titles will be FAQs Block. To edit these, please click FAQs Section > FAQs Block. In each, you will notice two sections: FAQs Question and FAQs Answer
FAQs Question
In this section, you will input the question that you wish to present. This question can be one that is actually frequently asked or a question that your store predicts will be common.
FAQs Answer
This is where you will input the answer to the related question. You will notice that the text box is larger; feel free to explain and expound as much as you need to. You may wish to be mindful of how much space a long, detailed answer may take on your homepage, however.
You are able to add over 20 FAQs Blocks per FAQs Section
After Adding FAQs Blocks
Organizing Testimonial Order
After you have finished adding all of your FAQs, you can adjust the order that they are shown in by dragging and reordering them using the 6 dot symbol to the right of the customers' names. You can see this symbol here:
Please notice that the title of each FAQs Block does not change, even after adding the FAQs Question and FAQs Answer. You may need to play around with the customization in order to fit the style your store likes best
Customizing FAQs Section Presentation
After you have finished adding and organizing your FAQs, the last step to consider is how you wish to present them. In order to do this, please click on FAQs Section. Here you will notice one section: Show FAQ Count.
Show FAQ Count
This section allows for you to toggle On/Off the numbering system for your FAQs. Here are some examples of FAQs listed with and without FAQ Count: