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Getting Started

Whether through a failure of hardware (computer restarts, internet cutting out, etc.) or mistakes / errors made on the part of your store's staff, there is always the chance that store credit is incorrectly adjusted. This article will focus on viewing the total store credit history for specific customers. Below you will find the steps to finding a customer's store credit log:

  1. From your BinderPOS Portal, select the Customers tab
  2. From the Customers tab, enter the customer's name in the Search customer bar
  3. Once you have found the customer, select the clock icon under the Store Credit History column

Once you have selected the Store Credit History column, a pop-up will show you the customer's entire store credit log, including any comments or notes made about store credit adjustments made.

Additional Notes

You do have the opportunity and option to manually adjust a customer's store credit AND leave comments / notes explaining these changes. In order to do this, please see How to Adjust Store Credit