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Getting Started

The Failed to Sync section is for cards that do not get added to stock after completing an online buylist in the Online Buylist section of the BinderPOS portal. If you notice that cards have not been properly synced, please check this section for online buylists, and the Failed to Sync from POS section for in-store buylist transactions.

  1. First you must log into the BinderPOS portal
  2. From the dashboard you can click on the Online Buylist tab
  3. Then, click on Failed to Sync

Add Stock

You can add any cards that appear in the Failed to Sync section into your stock.

  1. Once you click the Failed to Sync section, you will see any cards that have failed to sync
  2. From here you will need to click Add to Stock

Stock will be added automatically and the card will be removed from the Failed to Sync to Stock from POS Buylist section

Remove Items

You can remove any cards that appear in the Failed to Sync section if you do not need to add them into your inventory.

  1. Once you click the Failed to Sync section, you will see any cards that have failed to sync
  2. From here, you will need to click Remove
  3. A pop-up will appear to confirm you would like to remove the card
  4. Click Remove
  5. A pop-up will appear to let you know if the card was removed successfully
  6. Click OK

This will remove the card from the Failed to Sync section and will not be added to the inventory

Failed to Sync to Stock from POS Buylist

For more information on how to correct and adjust any errors concerning failure to sync stock with your store's in-store buylist function, please see Failed to Sync to Stock from POS Buylist