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Events are great ways to bring in customers, create an active and engaging store atmosphere, and allows for continued advertising through word of mouth, to name a few benefits. Planning and executing an event well can be extremely beneficial for your store. Because of this, it is important to both plan out the specifics of your event and advertise it well. This page is dedicated to helping you begin the process of setting up and holding your events.

Adding Your Event

In order to add your new event, please follow these steps:

  1. From your portal.binderpos homepage, click the Events tab on the left-hand side of your screen (the current icon is a small calendar)
  2. From the Events page, click My Events > Add Event
  3. Fill in all of the information for your event (see Things to Remember When Creating Your Event for more help)
  4. Click Save and Publish Event

Once you have saved and published your event, it will be on your calendar on your website (unless you have disabled the calendar). For more information on how to edit your homepage's event calendar, please refer to the solutions for your respective website theme on the Helpdesk.

All of your events will be automatically updated to show in your website's even calendar

Things to Remember When Creating Your Event

In order to more quickly and preemptively aid you in your questions, the following section addresses specific questions that have come up in the event-making process. 

Categorizing an Event

When you are creating a new event, the first three categories of customization are Event title, Event game, and Event type.

Event title

This is  the name of your event. Your store has complete and total naming freedom in this area.

Event game

This is the game or activity that you will hold at your event. Please note that you can type anything here. You are not restricted by the suggestions in the drop-down menu.

For example, if you want to hold a board game event, you can simply type in "board game night" or the name of the board game you will be playing


Event type

This section details the nature of the event. When holding a TCG event, the standard types are Tournament. Competitive, and Casual, as you can see in the drop-down menu. As with the Event game category, however, you are not restricted by these three types. You can type anything into the text box to detail the type of event you will be holding.


For example, if you are holding a "board game night" event, you can add the event type as "Free Play" instead of restricting it to one of the three categories in the drop-down menu


Creating a Recurring Event

If your event is one that is recurring, you have the option to edit the frequency of the event. 

For example, if you hold MTG events every Friday night, you may choose to create one event and have it set to every Friday night starting at 7:00 PM

When creating your event, look in the Event information > Event Frequency drop-down menu. By switching the Event Frequency from One off event to Recurring, you open up a few more options for editing: How often the event repeats and what date, if ever, the recurring event ends.


When creating a new event in your portal.binderpos site, you will see a prompt at the bottom of your page. Under Event images > Event calendar icon, you will notice a prompt to upload an icon to represent your event. It is recommended that you do this so that your customers can differentiate between different events on your store's online calendar.

If no icon is chosen, the default calendar icon will be chosen. It will look like this:

Event Ticket

If your event is one that requires a ticket in order to attend, you can automatically create an event ticket as a product by checking the Does this event require a ticket? box at the bottom of your screen. It is the last option before you click Save and Publish Event.

If your event is one that doesn't require a ticket or payment for entrance, you may skip this step.

If you forget to set your event as requiring a ticket, you are unable to re-edit the event as one requiring a ticket. You will need to recreate the event from the beginning. Please double-check your event before publishing