On This Page
What Is the Services Block?
The Services Block serves as a quick link to designated pages on your store's website. How you decide to divide and label these pages is up to you, but some examples may include:
- Pokémon
- Warhammer
- Flesh and Blood
As mentioned above, the divisions depend on your customers and vary from store to store. The services block is simply a series of quick, visually aided links to more quickly and easily direct your customers.
Setting Up Your Services Block
Finding and Editing the Services Block
In order to find the customization screen for your store's webpage, please follow these steps:
- From your myShopify homepage, go to Online Store > Themes
- Find and click Customize
- You will see the customization menu on the left of your screen. Click the drop-down arrow to the left of Services Block
Adding to Your Services Block
From the drop-down menu, you will click Add Service in order to link a service. Once you have opened the service that you wish to add/edit, you will notice three general sections:
- Add Image
- Customize Text
- Link
It is recommended that you work through creating your services block in this order.
Adding an Image
To add an image to your services block, click Select Image. Following this, you can upload or choose your desired image. Please remember to check the recommended image size below this section. It should look similar to this:
If your image is a different size, it may affect the quality of the image on your website. Please also remember that this image will serve as a small icon. It is recommended that you play around with adding different images so that your store may find the best to fit your intended purposes.
The recommended image size is calculated as the optimal size across many possible screen sizes (PC monitors of differing sizes, Mac, mobile, tablet, etc.)
Customizing Text
The next section is focused on the text of your services block. This is divided into two categories: Title and Subtitle. Both the title and the subtitle of your services block will appear just below the image you have chosen as your icon.
Adding a Link
The last section in your services block customization is your Link. You can link any page on your site or any outside web address to this button. To choose where to link this button label, enter your web address in the text box beneath Link or choose between collections or other pages from your website within the same text box.
If you do not specify a link or button label, it will redirect to your website's homepage.
Once you have finished creating your first block, you can move on and add up to 4 services to your Services Block section.
After Adding Services
After you have finished adding all of your services, you can adjust the order that the services are shown in (from left to right) by dragging and reordering them using the 6 dot symbol to the right of the services. You can see this symbol here: