CSV Import
CSV Import is an extremely helpful tool for quickly managing large quantities of stock, especially concerning TCG singles. Because of this ease of use and convenience, many customers use CSVs to manage their singles. New BinderPOS customers often use them to move their singles inventory over much more quickly. By using a CSV file, you can import or export a large number of products and their details at one time.
Tips for Getting Started with Binder CSVs
- File uploads can be as large as 10MB
- Remember to maintain accurately titled columns
- In order for the system to regularly send updates, make sure product and Shopify IDs are accurate
Product CSV File Format
The first line of your product CSV file must be the column headers that are included in the table below or a CSV exported from BinderPOS. If each column isn't perfectly oriented, the CSV migrations will fail; this can seem daunting, however, the table below has been carefully created and maintained in order to help you more easily master CSVs.
Description of the Product Import CSV file
There are several different types of columns within CSVs. They can be divided into Required and Unrequired, with Unrequired further being divided into Optional and Informative. For further clarification, the three types of columns will be: Required, Optional, and Informative.
Column Title | Description | Data Requirements |
Game Type | Game Type is the game code used by BinderPOS to determine the product type.
Game Type + Binder ID + Variant Title are used to locate and update a product variant | Required. Can't be blank or missing |
Binder ID | Binder ID is the BinderPOS catalog product ID for a specific game type.
Game Type + Binder ID + Variant Title are used to locate and update a product variant | Required. Can't be blank or missing |
Variant Title | The exact Shopify variant title.
Game Type + Binder ID + Variant Title are used to locate and update a product variant | Required |
Card Name | Card Name is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated | Optional |
Set Name | Set Name is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated | Optional |
In stock | In Stock is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated | Optional |
Current Price | Current Price is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated | Optional |
SKU | SKU is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated | Optional |
Handle | Handle is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated | Optional |
Product Title | Product Title is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated | Optional |
Shopify Variant ID | Shopify Variant ID is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated | Optional |
Barcode | Barcode is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated | Optional |
Variant ID | This is a unique ID that is only found when exporting a CSV from the BinderPOS Export Search. If the Variant ID column is included, the CSV importer will locate and update the specific product variant tied to that ID
| Informative
Add Stock | Add Stock is a way for the customer to add to or subtract from existing inventory.
If Add Stock and Set Stock and both included, Set Stock will override Add Stock
| Informative |
Set Stock | Set Stock is a way for the customer set variant inventory to an exact number.
If Add Stock and Set Stock and both included, Set Stock will override Add Stock | Informative |
Reserve Quantity
| Reserve Quantity will update the Reserve Quantity setting for the variant
| Informative
New Price
| New Price can be used to set a new price for a product variant. This price will be overridden by automatic price updates if they are turned off for the product type. (See #1)
| Informative
Price Override | Price Override will update the price override setting for the variant. Price override will override any automatic price updates. (See #2) | Informative |
Cash Buy Price | Cash Buy Price will update the Cash Buy Price setting for the variant. (See #3) | Informative |
Cash Buy Percent | Cash Buy Percent will update the Cash Buy Percent setting for the variant. (See #4) | Informative |
Store Credit Buy Price | Store Credit Buy Price will update the Store Credit Buy Price setting for the variant. (See #5) | Informative |
Store Credit Buy Percent | Store Credit Buy Percent will update the Store Credit Buy Percent setting for the variant. (See #6) | Informative |
Buy Limit | Buy Limit will update the Buy Limit setting for the variant. (See #7) | Informative |
Overstocked Cash Buy Price | Overstocked Cash Buy Price will update the Overstocked Cash Buy Price setting for the variant. (See #8) | Informative |
Overstocked Cash Buy Percentage | Overstocked Cash Buy Percentage will update the Overstocked Cash Buy Percentage setting for the variant. (See #9) | Informative |
Overstocked Store Credit Buy Price | Overstocked Store Credit Buy Price will update the Overstocked Store Credit Buy Price setting for the variant. (See #10) | Informative |
Overstocked Store Credit Buy Percentage | Overstocked Store Credit Buy Percentage will update the Overstocked Store Credit Buy Percentage setting for the variant. (See #11) | Informative |
Below, you will find an image correlating to the references made in the above chart: