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About Adjusting Your Store's Inventory

There are a few ways that you can add your inventory to the BinderPOS portal. This document will cover manually adding your products, using the Bulk Update Search, and importing and exporting CSVs. If you are looking for advice for a specific problem, please use the Table of Contents above to quickly answer any questions. If you are opening and managing your store for the first time, or are looking for a quick refresher, please continue to read through this article in its entirety.

Manually Adding Products

One extremely useful and important aspect of working with BinderPOS is being able to manually adjust the quantities of your products in the Products section. You can do this by searching through different filters or just by title; with these you can pull up exactly what you are looking for. Once your search appears, you can manually adjust the quantities and click Update to push these updates. By following these steps, you can manually adjust your product quantities:

  1. From your BinderPOS Portal, go to Products
  2. Fill out the appropriate filters for your desired search
  3. Apply Filters
  4. Manually enter any adjustments you would like to make
  5. Update

The Bulk Update Search is a means by which your store can update / edit large quantities (bulk) of products that share some common search criteria. For example, by searching in the product section you can find cards, sets, and other specific searches. Once your desired products are pulled up, click the Bulk Update Search found in the top right of this section. This will pull up the options available for bulk edits. From here, you can select the fields you wish to edit and enter your changes there.

Some examples of possible changes are: setting a price override to a group of cards, setting buylist rules for a specific search, or increasing or decreasing quantities

After making any needed adjustments, you can push the bulk update and watch your update's progress in the queued jobs section

Below you will find a condensed step-by-step list on how to properly and confidently make use of the Bulk Update Search:

  1. From your BinderPOS Portal, go to Products
  2. Fill out the appropriate filters for your desired search
  3. Apply Filters
  4. In the top right, click Bulk update search
  5. Select the field you would like to adjust and input your changes
  6. Once you are satisfied with your adjustments, select Push Bulk Update
  7. Monitor any of the your updates progress in Queued Jobs

CSV Import

CSV Import is an extremely helpful tool for quickly managing large quantities of stock, especially concerning TCG singles. Because of this ease of use and convenience, many customers use CSVs to manage their singles. New BinderPOS customers often use them to move their singles inventory over much more quickly. By using a CSV file, you can import or export a large number of products and their details at one time.

Tips for Getting Started with Binder CSVs

  • File uploads can be as large as 10MB
  • Remember to maintain accurately titled columns
  • In order for the system to regularly send updates, make sure product and Shopify IDs are accurate

Product CSV File Format

The first line of your product CSV file must be the column headers that are included in the table below or a CSV exported from BinderPOS. If each column isn't perfectly oriented, the CSV migrations will fail; this can seem daunting, however, the table below has been carefully created and maintained in order to help you more easily master CSVs.

Description of the Product Import CSV file

There are several different types of columns within CSVs. They can be divided into Required and Unrequired, with Unrequired further being divided into Optional and Informative. For further clarification, the three types of columns will be: Required, Optional, and Informative.

Column Title


Data Requirements 

Game TypeGame Type is the game code used by BinderPOS to determine the product type.

Game TypeBinder IDVariant Title are used to locate and update a product variant 
Required. Can't be blank or missing
Binder IDBinder ID is the BinderPOS catalog product ID for a specific game type.

Game TypeBinder IDVariant Title are used to locate and update a product variant 
Required. Can't be blank or missing
Variant TitleThe exact Shopify variant title.

Game TypeBinder IDVariant Title are used to locate and update a product variant 

Card Name

Card Name is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated 


Set Name

Set Name is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated 


In stock

In Stock is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated 


Current Price

Current Price is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated 



SKU is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated 



Handle is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated 


Product Title

Product Title is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated 


Shopify Variant ID

Shopify Variant ID is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated 



Barcode is for customer reference only and has no impact on product variants being updated 


Variant ID

This is a unique ID that is only found when exporting a CSV from the BinderPOS Export Search. If the Variant ID column is included, the CSV importer will locate and update the specific product variant tied to that ID

Add Stock

Add Stock is a way for the customer to add to or subtract from existing inventory. 

If Add Stock and Set Stock and both included, Set Stock will override Add Stock 


Set Stock

Set Stock is a way for the customer set variant inventory to an exact number. 

If Add Stock and Set Stock and both included, Set Stock will override Add Stock


Reserve Quantity
Reserve Quantity will update the Reserve Quantity setting for the variant
New Price
New Price can be used to set a new price for a product variant. This price will be overridden by automatic price updates if they are turned off for the product type. (See #1) 

Price Override

Price Override will update the price override setting for the variant. Price override will override any automatic price updates. (See #2) 


Cash Buy Price

Cash Buy Price will update the Cash Buy Price setting for the variant. (See #3) 


Cash Buy Percent

Cash Buy Percent will update the Cash Buy Percent setting for the variant. (See #4) 


Store Credit Buy Price

Store Credit Buy Price will update the Store Credit Buy Price setting for the variant. (See #5) 


Store Credit Buy Percent

Store Credit Buy Percent will update the Store Credit Buy Percent setting for the variant. (See #6) 


Buy Limit

Buy Limit will update the Buy Limit setting for the variant. (See #7)


Overstocked Cash Buy Price

Overstocked Cash Buy Price will update the Overstocked Cash Buy Price setting for the variant. (See #8) 


Overstocked Cash Buy Percentage

Overstocked Cash Buy Percentage will update the Overstocked Cash Buy Percentage setting for the variant. (See #9) 


Overstocked Store Credit Buy Price

Overstocked Store Credit Buy Price will update the Overstocked Store Credit Buy Price setting for the variant. (See #10) 


Overstocked Store Credit Buy Percentage

Overstocked Store Credit Buy Percentage will update the Overstocked Store Credit Buy Percentage setting for the variant. (See #11) 


Below, you will find an image correlating to the references made in the above chart:

Exporting a Binder CSV

In order to properly export Binder CSVs, you should first go to the Products section of the BinderPOS portal. From here, you can search for the cards that you wish to edit or input inventory amounts. Once you have applied a search, you can use the Export Search button in the top right. 

An example search might be: Select Game and Product Type > Select a Set > Apply Filters > Export Search

After clicking the Export Search button, a CSV of your search parameters will be emailed to the main email address on your account. Open this CSV and make the necessary changes to your products and then import this CSV back into BinderPOS with the Import CSV button.

Pop up blockers may interfere with the download. If this happens, copy and paste the link from the email into a new tab. This will force the download to begin
If you are working on importing and exporting CSVs with BinderPOS, it is imperative that you remember that the emails will only be sent to the main email address for your store. Please make sure that you have access to this address if you do not already. You may also need to check the spam/junk folder if you are having trouble finding the CSV email(s)

For a condensed, step-by-step outline of how to easily export BinderPOS CSVs

  1. From your Binder POS Portal, go to Products
  2. Fill out your desired filters and apply filters
  3. Use the Export Search button to export a CSV of your search
  4. Check your store's primary email

Importing a Binder CSV

If you plan on using a Binder CSV file to make changes to your products, you first need to export them. You can use any spreadsheet program, such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, to make your changes to the exported Binder CSV before importing your changes back in to BinderPOS. Below, you will see the steps necessary to import these changes back into Shopify Admin:

  1. From your Binder POS Portal, go to Products
  2. Click Import CSV
  3. Click the window to choose a file or drag and drop

While previous iterations of our POS required different steps to be taken when importing BinderPOS CSVs vs. other external CSVs, we are happy to announce that this has been changed. Now the process is the same for the importation of all CSVs
One important consideration to have before beginning to import CSVs is to match your title columns in your CSV to their respective titles in BinderPOS, or else you may find improperly imported CSVs or error messages. For example, if stores utilize non-standard variant names, like NM-Mint instead of Near Mint, which CardCastle and Scryfall use, these stores will need to change these condition title in their CSV from Near Mint to NM-Mint (or whatever title they use in their BinderPOS) before attempting an import

Importing an External CSV

You may also have access to CSVs not originally from BinderPOS. These may be CSVs that you have created yourself, they may be a result of migrating from a previous POS software, or from some other means. These CSVs are also capable of being easily integrated into our software. You'll notice a button located on Products > Import CSV. Alongside allowing for the import of BinderPOS CSVs, this button can also be used for:

  • TCG Player App Uploads
  • TCG Player Seller Portal
    • CSVs exported from here can be directly imported through this section. 
  • Card Sorter Robot(s)
  • Manually Created 

While previous iterations of our POS required different steps to be taken when importing BinderPOS CSVs vs. other external CSVs, we are happy to announce that this has been changed. Now the process is the same for the importation of all CSVs

When importing these CSVs, it is still vital to make sure that they are set up correctly and have Product and Shopify IDs. If the format doesn't match, or if there are any missing headers, then the imports will fail. Exports from the TCG Player seller portal can be imported directly, but it is important to note that they will always add inventory and never overwrite existing quantities. 

Remember: Your product CSV can't exceed 10MB. If you get an error when trying to upload a new CSV file, please check to make sure that it doesn't exceed the size limit

Below you will find a quick review of the steps needed to easily import your external (non-BinderPOS) CSVs:

  1. From your Binder POS Portal, go to Products
  2. Click Import CSV
  3. Click the window to choose a file or drag and drop

TCG Player Import Specifics: 

If your CSV is coming from TCG Player, it will have the following two options: TCG Player App and TCG Player Pro

TCG Player App Import Specifics:

Column Title


Data Requirements
SKUHere, you will input the TCG Player card SKURequired. Can't be blank or missing
NameHere, you will enter the card's nameRequired, but can be blank
Product IDHere, you will enter the card's product IDRequired, but can be blank
LanguageHere, you will enter the card's languageRequired, but can be blank
PrintingHere, you will enter the card's printing editionRequired, but can be blank
ConditionHere, you will enter the card's conditionRequired, but can be blank
QuantityHere, you will enter the card's quantity to be added to your store's inventory. 

Will be overwritten if the Set Stock column is included
Required. Can't be blank or missing

The extra fields that come in the TCG Pro CSV download are fine to include. Our system only cares about the four rows noted below. 

TCG Player Pro Import Specifics:

Column Title


Data Requirements
TCG Player ID
Here, you will input the TCG Player SKU ID of the item to update
Required. Can't be blank or missing
Product Line
Here, you will input the product line
Required, but not used
Product Name
Here, you will input the product's name
Required, but not used
Add to Quantity
Here, you will input the quantity that gets added to the store's inventory. 

Will be overwritten if the Set Stock column is included
Required. Can't be blank or missing

If you are a new customer, it is important to note that you will need to make sure to rename your Total Quantity column to Add to Quantity. Following this, delete the original Add to Quantity column. This will make sure it matches and that our system can find the correct column. 

Some IDs no longer match for new sets due to TCG Players' new API restrictions. This will cause some singles in the imports to fail 

Card Sorter Robot(s) Import Specifics:

We also support CSV importing from any of several card sorting robots. If you use any of the following formats, this option is available to you:

  • Cardcastle Cardbot
  • ROCA Sorter
  • Magic Sorter
  • Scryfall

This option is only available for MTG cards

Column Title


Data Requirements
Here, you will input the Scryfall ID of the card
Required. Can’t be blank or missing
Here, you will have the card quantity needed to add to your store's inventory. 

This will add stock to existing inventory and will be overwritten if the Set Stock column is included
Required. Can’t be blank or missing
This section will appear as True or False to indicate whether the card is foiled or not. This section is case sensitive
Required. Can’t be blank or missing
This will be the card's condition that matches your store's settings, such as Near Mint
Required. Can’t be blank or missing
This will be the language of your card
Required, but not used


Multi Store CSV Imports:

Please note that, for store to store imports, the store uploading the adjustment must be set up with the proper catalogs from BinderPOS. There are two new fields on your existing CSV exports; they should support the cross store importing and allow you to make workbook modifications to any tools that you are already using. 

While this is true, it also means that custom products are not supported at this time. If you have a store carrying Pokémon (Store A), and another that does not (Store B), you cannot cross import any Pokémon cards from Store A into Store B

Because we are actively working to standardize these catalog pushes, these errors shouldn't be encountered, but if a store is missing a card from our catalog, it will reject the line item and produce an error similar to the following:

pkms    | 198 |    New    2 |    failed |    Game Type + Binder ID + Variant Title does not match any available products

If you're processing uploads using the existing supported format, you will begin to see more failed lines with informative error messages indicating the source of the failure/problem column. An example of how these error messages may look can be found below:

1|     Abyssal Nightstalker |    86    | EN |            99999999    | 10.11 |    failed |    SKU does not match any available products